70 Million Years Ago,
Birdlike Giant in China
--The New York Times headline
So you’ve blown the common theory science
has preached, showing us dinosaurs evolved
to wrens through larger forms, not smaller. Hence
each ostrich would look up to you, who solved
my problem: I always wondered why we,
in college days, called the largest finger
“the bird.” Why to the Bard, murder would be
“most fowl.” Why gawking seagulls still linger
so close to giant whales. You’re half again
taller than a basketball rim. Nearly
long as football’s first down. You’re why Henson
held his yellow Big Bird’s name so dearly.
Still, did Caudiperyx turn paranoid?
Did cavemen suspicion you took steroids?
Roger Armbrust
June 14, 2007