Friday, September 18, 2020


No not in Marble Canyon where rippled
rock resembles melting chocolate and
vanilla…not Markarfljot’s streaked, crippled
glacial river…uninhabited land
barren black and bordered like honeycomb
in Bolivia…nor in deep crystal
meltwater of Antarctica…just come
with your spirit to that invisible
place beneath my brainstem…celestial light
calming my breathing, eye movement, frail
body balance…now you know why at night
when I grow silent…when I stare and fail
to move…seem not there…the Muse…you see…schemes…
turns your words to insight…leads me to dream…

Roger Armbrust
September 18, 2020

Sunday, September 13, 2020


Listening to KLRE and George

Pelecis’s “Nevertheless”…strings high…

performing emergency heart surgery…

marrying intricate piano…just why

they make me cry must deal with memory…

that title central to it all…defined

as “in spite of”… “notwithstanding”… you see

how it melds like memory… the divine

result… in spite of what happened…in spite

of her leaving…notwithstanding heartbreak…

comes forth creative spirit…sacred light

of poetry…to survive…what it takes

to thrive in spite of…utter devastation…

What happened to him…to fire inspiration?


Roger Armbrust

September 13, 2020

Saturday, September 12, 2020


At this moment I stand in sun beside

the oak…no cars passing…no mute people

walking by…the tree and I in sun…ride

slight breeze I pretend is flight…past steeple

and tower…wonder of what power we

possess when we close our eyes…feel slight breeze…

I once thought of leaping off a cliff…free

of fear…of responsibility…ease

of giving up all…but I didn’t…Think

of what I’d have missed…slight breeze…flight…sunlight…

think of how much love’s potential would sink

into nothing...lover’s glance unseen…a slight

to faith and hope…I pray for end to wildfires

out West…pray they transcend to peace…to desire…


Roger Armbrust

September 12, 2020

Thursday, September 10, 2020


The logical mess of love comes always

with consequences…like driving too fast

through a school zone…or a drunk priest who prays

to the devil…egoist’s death mask cast

just before his heart fails…sometimes maybe

the opposite…vulnerable first kiss

leading to lasting care…a simple kind

word preventing a suicide…our bliss

won through honest searching…fear makes us blind

till we’re touched by an angel…our life could be

a molecule for all we know…able

to dissolve or divide without consent…

Once as a boy I bit a bush’s leaf…my

tongue went numb…I never found out why…


Roger Armbrust

September 10, 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


I stumble through rubble once called Main Street…

shopping only for some form of water…

no need any more for fashion’s elite

look…for caviar or fast food…fatter

days turned to bone lean…through eternal haze

I sense almost sunset…slight breeze a chill

searing my blistered skin…making me crazed…

never to heal it seems…human road kill

is everywhere still…Corner of 1st Street…

gave Jill a first kiss here…she kissed me back…

she’s gone like the rest…my god she was sweet…

pray for her spirit…all their spirits…black-

outs come quicker…ah…water…poisoned by

radiation…no matter…so am I…


Roger Armbrust

September 9, 2020


Springing from bed out

the window, I hear her shout,

Fool, we’re five flights up!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Wonder about Earl Ovington…first air

mail pilot…flying by dead reckoning…

if he hated the term dead…if he cared

about faith and fear…danger beckoning...

always there…Wonder about Charles Lindbergh…

early air mail pilot…had to bale out

twice in storms…how his body felt when surge

of chute caught his fall…did he smile and shout…

or just take it in stride…I’ve baled from some

relationships…been baled out on…never

took them in stride…never easy come…

sometimes stormed…rare times acted clever…

never considered the chute staying closed

so to speak…wonder if the Spirit posed

a question about my fate…and then chose…


Roger Armbrust

September 8, 2020

Monday, September 7, 2020


I’m so used to looking at friends up close

and personal every day now… to see

a full body in motion when my shoes

lead me out to toss the trash or empty

the mailbox…or nab a bag from Bite Squad…

seems like a hologram…medium rather

than human…masked phantom floating…like what

Hamlet confronted that haunting night there

at the castle wall…How everything’s changed…

my once-cropped beard seeming Santa present

in summer…my body cells beg me to chance

a shower again…why do I resent

their concern…I can’t even recall spring…

or yesterday…now my screen’s everything…


Roger Armbrust

September 7, 2020

Sunday, September 6, 2020


It’s where I’d like to take and hold my mind

sometimes…far from here or anywhere

human…where I imagine the wild wind

must go those days or nights it feels despair

and just wants peace…exhausted from constant

whirl and curling…bending and breaking trees

and windows…turning gentle rain to instant

storm…Does it pray, do you think…howling please

end my tortuous wandering…I once

walked Cabot’s downtown…years ago…after

a tornado crushed it to rubble…no sense

to how it left a single building here…

another there…like thin surrendered warriors…

made clear how humans really have no power…


Roger Armbrust

September 6, 2020

Saturday, September 5, 2020


I keep thinking of far-off light, not night

light like I wrote of a while back, but day

and distant like photos of cloud and bright

light breaking through, like ol’ Tom Parr portrays…

sea scenes off Sandy Hook near sunset…scenes

majestic…turbulent…Turner would smile

at seeing them…what they really portend 

of our psyches…we humans silent while

threatening to explode…fed up with wars

and political lies…I’m listening

to Mendelssohn’s violin invite stars

and feelings of peace…recall Jews listening

to Mendelssohn before der Führer’s boys

sent them to showers and that hissing noise…


Roger Armbrust

September 5, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020


Another night alone…and yet I’m not

alone…just sharing this pandemic world

with billions…the White House Fascist without

care for the suffering and dying…curled

up in self-absorption while my loving

caregivers…relentless as angels…try

to save the dying…try to save…shoving

their fears aside to save…go ahead…cry…

get it out…My brief walk tonight…the moon

tried to break through that stonewall sky…almost

made it…maybe tomorrow…maybe soon…

next year maybe…we’ll unmask smiles and boast

of our healthy globe…I hear Ella’s soft rhyme…

“someone to watch over me”…that was a time…


Roger Armbrust

September 4, 2020

Thursday, September 3, 2020


No one wonders where I am. They believe

they know. Visions of me in my townhouse…

meditative…mind straining to conceive

an image…a phrase…a line…getting soused

through frustration…for inspiration…eyes

turning bloody from guzzling and glaring…

but that’s not the path…instead I watch…spy

on all the earth before me…hear blaring

life and sacred silence…breathe in cool air…

taste and retaste the tuna sub…mostly

await the Muse…spirit who chooses her

own sweet time to whisper or sing…ghostly

in the kindest way…subtle in her glance…

smiling when she’s ready…and then we dance…


Roger Armbrust

September 3, 2020

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


The long rain’s finally stopped for a while.

It needed to stop. Fertile earth filled up.

We hope it continues to come and go. Smile

so it will. Pray so it will. Raise your cup

so it will. We’re no good without its fall

and rise and fall and rise…we made mostly

of water. Think of your parched tongue…your call

to the sky for water…the drought…your plea

for water…Think of your soaked body…earth’s

flood…your prayer for rain to end…Think of how

powerless we are over water…birth

and death…think of vital balance…think now

of rivers…of ocean, moon and constant flow

of water...think what it knows that we don’t know…


Roger Armbrust

September 2, 2020


You unfold me like

a sacred scroll, she whispered.

I read slow, he sighed.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


He loves watching that lone night light across

the far mountain…eyes blind in winter so

black he’d believe that long high range was lost

had he not studied it in daylight. Knows

no one who lives there within that gold-fire

glow. Imagines it’s her…his future bride.

He’ll go find her when he’s grown up and hired

at the lumber camp…walk with her…confide

his love…promise a good home. His mom calls

from the door…urges him back from the wind

so cold it burns…but he can’t hear…mind falls

through ebony air…heart aches…tears descend

then freeze on his raw cheeks…oh…what’s wrong with me

he gasps…drowning in dark…as if lost at sea…


Roger Armbrust

September 1, 2020