Monday, September 30, 2013


Can a king nurture near democracy?
This king does and will. This is real, no dream.
Our document should hold one vital key:
The right for us all to free-flowing streams.
I speak of water, your own basic right
for home, for farm on which our food depends.
I speak of speech, all we say and teach, cite
in ideas and art; no force contend
with press or Internet. In all we think
and write, freedom to praise, to criticize,
to find solutions, always on the brink
of change—protect and grow each others’ lives.
Free-flowing streams are our greatest treasure—
in all we do, first and final measure.

Roger Armbrust
September 30, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013


I take this crown, rightful heir deemed by God,
and pledge rule based on honest words and deeds—
mandate to myself, to all souls who trod
within our borders. Whoever lies, bleeds.
Whoever harms, hangs. I will bring you peace.
We will not invade, nor be invaded.
Deceit in parliament, in courts, will cease.
I dissolve both now, assure degraded
morals won’t return. Promise you a new
constitution, formed by you, the people—
each county sending writers picked by you.
Choose wisely—seers with insight and scruples.
I will assure this is true: Where our clear
path may lead…is up to you. Never fear.

Roger Armbrust
September 29, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013


It only takes one night, you see. And so
it went with the sneaky king, humping Anne’s
handmaid by lamplight centuries ago.
She fled back to Kleve, lived out stinging pain
of years, my forebears holding our secret.
Grandfather waded back to London, clerked
an ale house, gave me this old gold locket
passed down in secret. No sly foe will jerk
it from my neck now. I bided my time
till Libor and subprimes melted us all
yet again; tried bankers scum for their crimes,
hanged them all, led revolt—answered the call
to rule. And now reveal myself, dissent
a mute void in our pill-filled parliament.

Roger Armbrust
September 27, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Delicate landscape of face, not veneer
but classic art, you seem, smiling softly.
As if you knew some great painter, Vermeer
perhaps, would pause when seeing you, lofty
visions blessing his gaze. He’d place a pearl
earring center right, blue scarf to cover
your shining hair, focus on eternal
glow of your skin, reflecting a lover’s
soul; your skin a dimpled canvas calling
for gentle kisses; your skin an altar
for eyes through ages to honor, falling
humbly when meeting your eyes staring far
into theirs. Can your skin make lenses melt?
Watching you, that’s just how I’ve often felt.

Roger Armbrust
September 25, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Shhhh…come closer…feel moon’s gravity force
the heart’s each issue, tides’ experience
flooding your bloodstream. Watch us. Chart the course
for Sea of Serenity, its dark, dense
eye patch offering character. As you
gaze at stars, record my breathing far down
in your psyche. Let it rise and fall through
each cell’s conscious desire. My seething crown
of foam never rests, you see. My current
can disappear, yet pull your flesh nearer,
consume all life, if need be. Heaven’s sent
me here as your source, your healing teacher.
Let our beach be your bed tonight. I’ll take
care—faithful lover—be here when you wake.

Roger Armbrust
September 21, 2013


I’m straddling Maroon Peak’s tip, gazing down
into emerald valley, admiring
your running that frosted chiseled path, grown
round with firs and aspens, high sun firing
their calm lake. Knowing mudstone endangers
climbers, I’ve mutely flown here as no one
watched, natural athlete touting stranger
skills than even Hercules—goal of fun
in celebrating your striding through chilled
air, your breath brief smoke signals of joy creased
with pain, as only runners know. What thrills
me now: Seeing you finish, slender ease
of your pace, soft face turning in wonder,
hearing my clapping, thinking it’s thunder.

Roger Armbrust
September 21, 2013