Wednesday, December 23, 2015


What’s wrong with me? I keep hearing Chopin
in all my atmosphere. Within his notes
and silences I keep seeing you when
I close my eyes. Keep feeling you denote
the night – its essence of searching unknown
universes. Please understand. I’m not
listening to any instrument. One
with the dark and its mute subtle signet
of your spirit’s presence, I now behold
constellations of your face, your smiling
mouth singing Chopin’s nocturnes. If I told
you of your power, I’ve no doubt it’d sting
your senses, fuel your fears. So I’m silent,
lying alone. But the Muse is content.

Roger Armbrust
December 23, 2015

Saturday, December 19, 2015


“Austin City Limits” is reprising
his ’79 performance: smoking
between two gas pumps, his hoarse voice wheezing
of Burma Shave, rhythmic throat near choking
as Romeo’s bleeding. ’79 –
the year I left LR for NYC.
So self-centered, I’d not heard his divine
dissolutions till Joanne – shocked – tossed me
his “best” album, demanding I listen.
“Wasted and wounded, it ain’t what the moon did…”
All things (I soon learned) began to change then.
Outside my writing room windows, muted
autos whisk past under amber street lights
like cats’ eyes – everything prowling the night.

Roger Armbrust
December 19, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Hi. I've just called you tonight to discuss
“mystique”. No, dammit, not Raven Darkhölme.
I mean your aura of mystery, dust
of stars glazing your frame like heaven’s dome
having descended to protect you. (You’re
not laughing. Good.) See, I’m here listening
to Christmas carols... Yeah, alone. But your pure…
yes pure image stays with me, glistening
like you earlier today -- seated, smile
a calm sea at sunrise, your gentle hand
smoothing your long hair as you listened while
voices ascended in honest command
of each experience. Watching you, I
wanted to tell you this. Well…that’s it…Bye.

Roger Armbrust
December 16, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015


How high do you want to go? How far must
you stretch that ancient breath? How deep through shades
of memory to hints of light and dust
swept off old pamphlets listing mistakes made
in past lives you regret yet learn to notch
like deaths on your poor heart’s leathery flesh?
You whisper confessions of loves you botched,
of minds abandoned, accept how these fresh
wounds bleed through old scars. When can you ever
bring it home again, or did Thomas know
the truth? He did, didn’t he. You never
relive, only live anew. Rhythms flow,
but you must carve each line, howl each lyric,
admit any victory is pyrrhic…

Roger Armbrust
December 14, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015


December Friday and 74
degrees of humid sun. I wonder if
you’re writing today. Or heading off for
some weekend retreat. Maybe a slick skiff
on Maumelle. Christmas feels hiding silent
on a melting iceberg far away. Yet
our oaks and maples sense the season, scent
of their falling leaves drenching me. I set
off for Hillcrest, my running shoes grumbling
at my casual pace, my heart pounding
from thick fresh air’s assault, poems tumbling
out my whispering mouth, verses sounding
like ghosts swirling through wind. When Tolstoy divined
brilliant women I’m sure he had you in mind.

Roger Armbrust
December 11, 2015

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Christmas lonelies now creeping, seeping deep
into my every cell it seems, as my
psyche stumbles into fog, seeking sleep
yet forced awake. I rise again and try
TV. Leontyne Price soars with “Panis
Angelicus”, sequined black gown sparkling
as if she descended from starlight, lips
forming each perfect syllable. She sings
and carries me to Thomas Aquinas,
to “Liturgy of the Hours”, sanctifies
all with prayer. And now I know my way: Pass
this prayer on to the universe. What lies
ahead awaits us all: Connect and keep
Conscious contact…then calming, healing sleep.

Roger Armbrust
December 6, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015


I can post photos of bullets and guns –
their mission to assault life – day and night.
But I cannot display a man’s penis
or woman’s vagina -- made to create life –
lest some “holey” adult be offended.
Same problem watching PBS prime time:
“Murder on the Home Front” offers close-ups
of a victim’s severed tongue, yet blurs out
her bare breasts. Tits but not slashed tongue
might offend prudes and kids, I suppose
(a twisted policy for EDUCATIONAL TV,
one place you’d think would respect body parts).
Meanwhile, let’s write s*#t and f@$k
but not shit and fuck, even though
everyone reading s*#t and f@$k
sees it as shit and fuck. I must admit
reading this might piss you off.  Spare me.
All these words live in your dictionary.
Besides: I’m talking about honesty.

Roger Armbrust
December 4, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015


Years after her younger sister framed him
for rape, Cecelia and Robbie – she now
a nurse, he free from prison and condemned
later to Dunkirk – meet for tea. But how
can he hold her hand after all this hell,
and sensing the hell to come? What else can
they do but make love with their eyes? Lips tell
each other without sound how they – woman
and man – adore? Tell me it’s just a book
put to film. Tell me it’s foolish to cry.
Tell me you don’t know how, when my eyes look
at you, I adore. Smile and tell me why
war is a racket. Lisp if love is too.
And why I wish I had watched this with you.

Roger Armbrust
November 27, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Godlover, not knowing why, had chanced past
familiar vast wasteland and forest speck --
where they two had danced and prayed as one, last
month or so -- to this unknown granite peak
whose summit faded to what must be clouds
the Wise One had sung in legend. In faith
he climbed, and climbed, and climbed, then cried out loud
at what he found: a garden, lush, with paths
through treasures of apples, oranges, lettuce,
herbs, and clear stream where he drank blessed potion
of his every cell. Discovered vanished,
sacred honey bee in flight through ocean
of bright sunflowers -- cut one with his knife.
Set off to bring her here: start a new life.

Roger Armbrust
November 25, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015


Rilke, having filed Rodin’s letters, slips
silently into the studio. Stays
at a distance. Watches the master’s lips
mumble to the armatures as he lays
on plaster. Marvels at his grace with rasp
and chisel, molding both giant, rugged shells
into pulsing hands, severed at their wrists.
They “bark like the five jaws of a dog of Hell,”
the great poet will write later of their
fingers. Rodin turns, sees his secretary
but doesn’t see him; seems to linger where
only the Muse exists. Rilke, wary
of staying longer, eases away. He
walks Rue de Varenne, remembers to breathe.

Roger Armbrust
November 20, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Since you were a woman the École des
Beaux-Arts ignored you. Joining your gender,
sculpting in studio on Notre-Dame-
des-Champs, everything changed. Rodin came there
to teach, then you came to him as lover,
muse, collaborator. Within five years,
all fell apart. You’d never recover,
would sculpt “L'Implorante” and “L’Age Mur”, tear
apart most of your work, spend your final
three decades in Montdevergues Asylum.
I study your stunning photo -- portals
of your dark eyes, disheveled hair, sacred sum
of your muse’s beauty -- can’t help but reach
to touch your face, all your passion can teach.

Roger Armbrust
November 18, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015


Godlover -- following the falling star,
its hurtling through celestial night to earth,
fading in valley’s ebony void far
below his mountain perch -- thought of life’s worth,
of birth and death. He swore he heard her voice
calling to him as it fell, as if she
stood just in sight, called of their constant choice
to seek each other among ancient trees.
But she was far away tonight, asleep
in her dwindling village. Why did she flow
through his mind so? Why did her image keep
appearing like a dream? He’d like to know
if he was falling in love. But no one
to ask. His parents, his tribe, all were gone.
He studied the stars. Thought of life alone.

Roger Armbrust
November 13, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Schubert's "Impromptus"
are (in truth) sculpted tiers of
glowing waterfalls.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Godlover -- deciding again to go
there -- trods through long, barren valley’s once-flush
landscape where vanished honey bees had flowed,
blessing now-lost fruit orchards turned sagebrush.
He climbs brief hills, his direction guided
by sun descending to far peak he seeks.
He thinks of how gulls once squawked and glided
here, greeting him as a boy, their pronged beaks
like dull-gold fish hooks. All gone now. He walks
to the ledge, gazes down at the vast gorge
they once called the Pacific. Softly talks
of its dark floor, like ash in a dead forge.
He sits, recalls young love here one summer.
Whispers Keats’ last lines in “Chapman’s Homer”.

Roger Armbrust
November 3, 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015


The waterfall across the way reminds
me of you: how its flowing essence streams
and flashes, then runs away, despite kind
and gentle words I offer. How you seem
to remind me of me – small fears streaming
and growing to greater fear uncontrolled.
Poetry’s power flows through our dreaming,
our experience -- universe’s soul
flowing through our every cell. We’re finding
our way, it seems, despite ourselves -- our fear
somehow leading to tears flowing, blinding
us, leading to prayer, followed by a clear
view of who we really are. The waterfall
across the way keeps flowing: essence of all.

Roger Armbrust
October 31, 2015

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Godlover -- rising in silence as light
wakes -- slips on sweats, cotton socks, special shoes,
steps out the door into chilled, fading night,
whispers to disappearing stars -- homes whose
inhabitants whisper back, he’s sure. He
studies bare terrain, knows he must reach far
dot of forest by noon, first rest then walk
in its cool shade. She will be walking there
too, singing of dancing spirits. They’ll talk
of their dwindling tribes, sit by rare water
reflecting cloudless sky, speak of what frees
the psyche through prayer, through dance and laughter.
They’ll decide again to dance, laugh and pray.
She’ll leave. He’ll turn, run back through fading day.

Roger Armbrust
October 17, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Gentle soul, stay gentle through your currents,
your seeming endless storms. Breathe deep, convert
each fearful vision through prayer to advents
of peaceful imagery: angels’ concerts,
loved ones gathered on smooth lake’s sunset shore.
Know when Van Gogh painted his “Starry Night
Over the Rhone” he lighted it for your
eyes, your gentle soul. When Chopin takes flight,
glides through peaceful preludes, he’s caressing
you. Listen to Whitman speak his poems
of joy, witnessing it, hearing it sing
in life’s each moment – those calling anthems
seeking your response. When the Buddha strolled
his Eightfold Path, he knew your gentle soul.

Roger Armbrust
October 14, 2015

Friday, October 9, 2015


Godlover, walking cracked narrow sidewalk
dissecting asphalt road and vast parking
lot, searches for a tree. Finds one and talks
softly to green leaves, touching its bark and
thinking of some unknown axman who broke
the rules. He studies those thick, flexing roots --
how they’ve crumbled layered pavement that choked
them, keep searching for water. His worn boots
lift to find a seedling barely visible
in sparse earth. He sits, honoring rare shade.
Considers his species, how its able,
though dwindling, to war with nature. He’s made
mistakes himself, he admits. He may stay
here a while, view constant scorched sky, and pray.

Roger Armbrust
October 9, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015


We write the poems to record how each
cell’s nuclear pore will remember us
after water vanishes from earth. Reach
for your glass, sip slowly, recall chorus
of each happy song, texture of each true
kiss, and decide why we write the poems.
Your everlasting gaze, ever-knowing
smile is why I write this poem: Phloem
of the lily knows your breath. Your going
reminds me of this. Your returning through
gardens of startled flowers, their flowing
veins vulnerable to your brief passing,
their petal throngs, sunlight flooding through them
and us --  tells you why I write this poem.

Roger Armbrust
October 8, 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


for Elizabeth Weber

Rilke guiding her to canvas, she paints
a surreal monument: glowing-embered
masked witch doctor or profiled Asian saint
flourishing high marred crucifix (severed
of right arm), embroidered robe of passioned
colors to humble Joseph’s sacred coat.
What is this bright light rising (like Hung Shing’s
blazing torch) from behind our saint? Devote
our faith to its hope. Give us reason to
believe it will save our seething structure
from those rustling emerald vines set to
entangle and suffocate all, rupture
our pillar’s memory of images blessed
on this torn canvas our artist has caressed.

Roger Armbrust
October 7, 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Sick of the Renaissance, he reaches out
to portray the everyday: not Virgin
as beauty, but her corpse, and bowed about
her: small crowd of weeping friends, slumped, staring
at her dull flesh and crimson robe captured
in windowlight -- so real you want to hold
her hand, whisper to her of life endured
yet well-lived. Light emotional and bold
in every painting. Light hurtling your eye
to each character’s psyche: Cupid’s face
rosy-warm, not smiling but satisfied;
St. Jerome hypnotized by sacred phrase
on the book’s page, his eyes intense, alert --
like your eyes staring, revealing your heart.

Roger Armbrust
October 4, 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015


I call to you in silence every night.
I reach and touch you though you’re never there.
Sometimes I open my window, take flight
to where you lie sleeping; whisper I care
for your poems as gardener nurtures leaf
and petal: those poems I keep, and those
I never see. What Auden knew of grief
in our age, what Frost knew of birch and rose,
what Edna knew of candle, Emily
knew of wild nights, and Elizabeth knew
of one art, I know of you: how you lie
in silence of night, in heartbeat and through
prayer breathing verse natural as moonlight
capturing your blue eyes, your deep insight.

Roger Armbrust
October 2, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015


This continent containing us, its mass
of mountains, plains and deserts containing
lakes, rivers – all this containing lark, bass
and deer, cattle, crops and all sustaining
us – continuing tract of our lives. This
continent of your body, boundary
of your beauty and grace, your synthesis
combining concrete/abstract chemistry
of your psyche, your deepest writer’s sense.
This continent of your face, curved mainland
of sensitive expression, flamed essence
from your eyes and smile – how they can command
this continent of my being, expose
my bare landmass I wish you would enclose.

Roger Armbrust
September 25, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Light shines. We shine. We
are Light. Earth breathes. We breathe. We
are Earth. So We Love.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Rock me with showers of screaming angels.
Rock me with torn strings of nail-clawed guitars.
Rock me with power of melting angles
in Dali’s art, with wretched wrecking cars
slashing into crashing seas. Rock me, rock
ME…Rock me with drumbeats of ancient tribes.
Rock me with tongues like syncopated clocks
despairing at midnight. Rock me like scribes
gargling rhymes with their gurgling drinks. Rock me
like chimpanzees ripping keys from pianos,
abandoning choirs of naked wires. Free
us with brute-force cracking of broken toes
escaping your sad, hopeful eyes. Shock me
with tortured laughter. Oh…rock me…rock ME…

Roger Armbrust
September 21, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


In my dream, you smile while walking to me,
holding slender date palms in each hand (their
fronds like angel feathers or quills to free
our poetry), your pearl summer dress bar-
ing your swimmer’s tan thighs, celestial eyes
flowing through mine and me. All of you flows,
it seems, as you offer me palms, reply
to my arm gently embracing your waist
by embracing mine. We’re caught up in throes
of warming breeze, walk clear beach matching your
dress, study ebbed ocean from which we came.
All soft: our words (knowing nothing’s the same
since we’ve risen as angels), breathing pure
air of spirit’s faith, our only sure cure.

Roger Armbrust
September 1, 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015


I sing your praises to High Sierras
and they chorus back to me -- not echoes
but lyrics of their own: hidden sorrows
of your deep wounds, your secret tears exposed
through terror’s screams to save yourself. Those howls
I thought a legion of wolves reveal wind’s
memories of your journey – gashing scowls
of pain and near despair. Then sunrise sends
slow reflections over Tahoe’s surface:
sign of spirit’s mute miracle mirrored
in your smile, visions of your shining face
rippling throughout clear waters – all we’ve feared
now vanished, healed by honesty’s soft light.
Our peaceful eyes study a starling’s flight.

Roger Armbrust
August 31, 2015

Friday, August 28, 2015


His concert soars how I feel when I look
in your eyes: not even heaven or earth
but pure air and light – some rare clear-blue nook
of atmosphere in High Sierras – birth
of poetry flowing from your eyes. Or
gentle-strong swimmer glowing through ocean’s
roaring pacific ebb and flow – all your
eyes see and interpret through each motion
of swimming – blurring forms creating verse
you’ve yet to form. In your classroom today,
can you sense his strings and woodwinds traverse
splendor of how mountain forests convey
poetry through universe of being
you? Through each minute image you’re seeing?

Roger Armbrust
August 28, 2015

Thursday, August 20, 2015


for Catherine, my daughter
on her birthday

Tahoe science center's "Sandbox" plateaus
grains of white, rose, and tan. Placing your hand
over them, a light radiates shadows
like flowing water, filling curving land's
valleys -- symbol of birthspirit bringing
lake of life. Frank and Kay's book "Stopping Time"
offers before-and-after photos, signs
of devastation to Tahoe's nature -- crimes
by loggers stripping earth without care. Then
years later, forests renewed -- science
working with nature -- birthspirit's art seen
through rebirth. This somehow leads to essence
of our nature: light of your birthspirit,
and my gratitude, being part of it.

Roger Armbrust
August 21, 2015

Sunday, August 16, 2015


My sister-in-law's
washing machine sings praises
to "Pizza! Pizza!..."

Friday, August 7, 2015


You, back there where I stood…wish you were here
lying with me now where you lived…in cool
California morning breeze…almost clear
and now drought dry inland from the sea. Who’ll
understand here how your loving spirit
flows with me even though you find your own
way. How you smile at my smile though fear it.
Know I understand. What the gods have shown
to poets you show to me. Later I’ll
sit by Lake Tahoe, no doubt will see you
straddling your kayak, laughing as I trill
some song of life. Together we’ll dive through
deep blue…rise to welcome air…stare at each
other like gods…enfold hands…walk the beach.

Roger Armbrust
August 7, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015


A man might give you gleaming emeralds
to influence your iris, or pearl strings
for your delicate neck. I’d be compelled
to offer you concrete nouns inspiring
images within your mind. A man may
buy you a Mercedes, bright rolling frame
for your travels. I’d rise up to display
active verbs to propel your heart. What fame
a god might offer, I could never match.
Only slowly climb mountain trails with you
and -- wrapped within the cliff’s high, cool breeze -- watch
sunsets blaze like something inside us. Views
of valleys might lead you to visions of home.
I’d kneel, unveiling phrases for your poem.

Roger Armbrust
August 6, 2015

Monday, August 3, 2015


for Britt Boswell

Whitman, grabbing the first copy of “Leaves
of Grass” from the binder, at once begins
to edit. Blue ink from his pen receives
each crossed word with regard, slices it thin
as a sewing needle’s scar to let him
look back later at old choices. Process
reminds him to rejoice, silent anthem
within to the Muse. He’ll never confess
sinning for loving sex and men, writing
of their joy. He’ll welcome Emerson’s praise,
Thoreau’s respectful visit. When fighting
breaks out, he’ll nurse wounded soldiers, embrace
them through their crazed screams for home. He’ll begin
(without knowing it) rhymed lines for Lincoln.

Roger Armbrust
August 3, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015


Goethe, feeling he’d lost her evermore,
searched the forest and called to her shadow,
his psyche still sensing her voice. He wore
black surely ever after, bowing low
(I believe) each time wind whispered her name.
I think of you in black -- sleeveless dress kissed
by pink-white flowers. Why nothing’s the same
with you distant, prayer will simply dismiss
as this day’s fate, letting faith gather each
hour some true image of you until time
for meeting again as sunrise will reach
out and ignite flowing river. I’ll climb
Pinnacle, perhaps, to find you, or trace
our room’s history for your glowing face.

Roger Armbrust
August 2, 2015

Friday, July 24, 2015


You with beauty of distant galaxies
reflecting Great Light and constant rebirth.
You with love depth to challenge gravity
and every breath, sensing eternal worth
of each cell’s existence. You who swim pools
and oceans with ease. You whose laughter fills
sun with nurturing fire, who suffer fools
like me gazing at your beauty until
poetry inspires painting imagery
of you through gentle phrases. You who turn
images of your own to poetry --
listen a moment, please, to what I’ve learned
by reaching to touch our burning stars in flight.
Let me listen to you through whispering night.

Roger Armbrust
July 24, 2015

Thursday, July 23, 2015


This morning air breathes ancient memories.
Reflecting light recalls our world’s first day.
Wind creaking walls echoes great Socrates
answering questions with questions to praise
the gods and teach us to think. How shall we
live? A while back, watching your reflecting
eyes study your sunlit hair’s split ends, he
saw Helen sailing to Troy, protecting
her sacred skin with veils from the goddess
Aphrodite. How shall we live? Euclid
realized how each eye’s discrete ray blessed
vision through angles. Human vision hid
from Homer, but not the gods’ perspective.
Behind his glazed lens he saw how we live.

Roger Armbrust
July 23, 2015

Friday, July 17, 2015


I’ve no doubt you didn’t mean to compel
my rebirth. It’s clear to me you’re simply
living life, unaware of casting spells
with your Mona Lisa gaze I imply
with Leonardo-like perspective through
my poems. Should Michelangelo see
you he would sculpt your graceful essence true
as his Madonna’s face. The Medici
would demand your portrait in every home.
So much for your image flooding Florence.
Your sweet spirit flows with me as I roam
Historic Hillcrest, powerful presence
propelling me to my keyboard, where alone
I form you as Il Divino would from stone.

Roger Armbrust
July 17, 2015

Thursday, July 16, 2015


You on the beach laughing (loving freedom
from the fear-beast at long last), joyous smile
reflecting sunlight and glowing kingdom
of family portrait’s wide-angle style --
generations rollicking in pearl-white
line like crescent moon. Then with your parents
and sis, gentle genetic pool’s quiet
quartet smiling, beauty of the moment.
You -- surrounded by love, white sand, sea oats,
great gray sky and flowing endless ocean --
emit peace, hands at rest, set to devote
all to love it seems. Tell me, when you can,
how it’s all changed: how clarity reveals
in growing light what your depths once concealed.

Roger Armbrust
July 16, 2015

Saturday, July 11, 2015


If we only knew what we were missing.
If we just understood how brief the time.
If we would comprehend, not dismissing
our patient Muse’s voice -- unknowing crime
of running from Her -- perhaps you and I
could sense in each cell great Chopin’s nocturnes:
their early rhythmic freedoms guide our eyes
to caress each human motion, return
time and again to heartbeat, pulse, soft breath
of life leading emotion to create
new metaphors for your hair’s braided wreath,
two tiny globes piercing your brow. Oh, listen
to his graceful leaps -- passion on a mission.

Roger Armbrust
July 11, 2015

Thursday, July 9, 2015


I want to dance with you. I want to fold
my longing fingers around your soft hand,
encircle your sensual waist and hold
you closer, closer and closer, (command
The Drifters to sing our song), sway your
strong legs and luscious frame over beach sands
and garden paths, tropical trails and pure
air of mountain peaks. I want foreign lands
to welcome our swirling entry, applaud
our whirling through destiny, our unplanned
circling and recircling of our vast world’s
every acre. I want our Muse’s wand
to feel our magic, our ever after
glowing through your dancing eyes and laughter.

Roger Armbrust
July 9, 2015

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


That’s you tonight, moon glowing golden light.
I know, since I beheld your face today
golden from summer sun, your shining sight
igniting me to passion and to pray –
all this within my silence admiring
you. Moon last night, I’m sure, radiated
blue of you, ocean blue of your smiling
eyes, leading me to believe I mated
with some guardian angel, we blessed two
secluded among distant clouds – a sense
I never felt before. They say blue moons
appear on nights volcanoes erupt. Since
holding you, I comprehend how mountains
explode, releasing deep pleasure and pain.

Roger Armbrust
July 8, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015


for John David Salons and Gabriel Solis

It’s all about the gig, man – hands and strings
and drums and voices and now and then throw
in some brass. And an audience listening
then moving then being moved. Take a bow.
It’s all about hands with clipper and comb,
circling the chair for angles to sculpt locks,
client smiling, being moved. From the womb
we roll out into air, challenge the clock,
touch brush to paint to canvas, pen to ink
to paper, dance fingers across keyboard
to monitor – levitate on the brink
at times – all to create image – accord
with the universe. We may not know how
or why, yet we understand. Take a bow.

Roger Armbrust
July 6, 2015

Friday, July 3, 2015


The man with his hand on the red button
slouches with his bourbon in Washington.
The man with his hand on the red button
fills a shot glass with vodka in Moscow.
The man with his hand on the red button
slurps slowly, tasting rice wine in Beijing.
The man with his hand on the red button
sniffs his kosher wine in Jerusalem.
The man with his hand on the red button
downs a swig of Apo in New Delhi.
The man with his hand on the red button
mutely sips Muree in Islamabad.
These and their peers in other nations, then, 
we now classify as the true Mad Men.

Roger Armbrust
July 3, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015


portrayed you perhaps like Julie Manet
seated, body turned slightly left (but sans
cat), your highlight hair combed back -- simple way
you like to wear it -- your delicate tan
silken-earth frame for your clear-river eyes,
their intense depth revealing your curved mouth --
a reluctant sad smile. He’d prove so wise,
welcome challenge of your knitted white blouse:
circular patterns meld with flower lace
caressing your breasts, veiled short sleeves gracing
gentle flex of your arms. No doubt he’d trace
background of emerald trees, embracing
your love for nature. Then his artist’s might
would blaze: saturate you with vibrant light.

Roger Armbrust
July 2, 2015

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Dum diggledy dam I swear we love! Where
doesn’t matter, does it? It does? Then hell
and everywhere! We turn hell (when we’re there)
to heaven! Make sufferers love to dwell
there! Dum diggledy dam damn straight we do!
See how, when sunlight crawls from bed, we blend
grey clouds to raspberry sherbet? It’s true!
Dum diggledy dam we do! Bright bars bend
to rainbows thanks to we! (Or should “we” be “us”?)
Dark oceans radiate to shining seas!
Dam diggledy dam they do! Shall we discuss
why all wars end and world pandemics cease
when singing laughing we come dancing through?
We love! So dum diggledy dam they do!

Roger Armbrust
June 30, 2015

Sunday, June 28, 2015


We who love with incredible candor
manage only through gifts from gods – Eros
calling us to create with faith, ardor
and honest desire. Calliope shows
us how to sing – ecstatic harmony
from our deepest regions of existence.
She passes her writing tablet only
when observing our transparent essence
released through loss and surrender. Wisest
of Muses, she accepts our humanness,
watches us wander, search beyond earth’s crest,
brave diving through oceans to mine for blessed
love. When Poseidon laughs at our folly,
tosses us to shore, we’ve learned what’s holy.

Roger Armbrust
June 28, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I have so much life to share with you, please
forgive me if I sing. Sometimes my song’s
life’s only summary. It helps release
deep you in me, returning to prolong
deep me in you. We’re curled forest’s thick vines
you love to swing like nature’s jungle jims;
great mountain’s green field stretching to fine line
of rocky ledge looking out past curved rim
of sunrise – fertile valley’s lamplight. When
your grey-capped head framed in long hair appears
a vision through snow-coated branches, grin
turning to bright song, I celebrate dear
presence of you – honor your resonance:
echo your lyric, or praise with silence.

Roger Armbrust
June 24, 2015

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Tonight a blue orb
of ocean. In silhouette
a floating wolf howls.


I wonder if she’s writing tonight. Heat
of breezeless dark, quarter moon like drowsy
eyelight mesmerizing her eyes complete
with tension’s imagery of cloudless sky,
stars in tug-of-war with glare of distant
skyline. I wonder if she climbed today
that ancient route of rock she always wants
to scale and find the river, ancient way
the wanderers used to climb. I wonder
if her skylight eyes looked past horizon,
past yawning sunset where the Muse wanders,
pauses, listens, waits for her decision.
I wonder if she sees me far out yonder
wondering if she wonders what I wonder.

Roger Armbrust
June 23, 2015


I’ve discovered suddenly
I’m the son of Chef Boyardee
who was married secretly
to a cretin female party
once an anchor for Fox News

So it should be clear as urine
to anyone using Murine
(or worse who chews murinae
which tastes like the Çhef’s consumme)
why I sing impromptu blahs and not the blues

The blues cover pain in the gut
but this news proves a pain in my butt
Makes me wanna walk Montana’s buttes
with melted bonbons in my shoes
Yah, it’s impromptu blahs and not the blues

Makes me wanna never marry
merely join the seminary
filled with days where I carry
a chalice and not a chick
spend nights with prayers and not flicks
Yah, that’s impromptu blahs and not the blues

Spend solitude by myself
being rude just to myself
even crude just to myself
sit by a creek eating worms
as my tongue feels them squirm
Yah, that’s impromptu blahs and not the blues

By now you’ll summarize
I got sleepy in my eyes
feelin’ creepy in my thighs
I just woke from a gory nightmare
(but can’t recall exactly where)
Yah, that’s impromptu blahs and not the blues

Roger Emo
June 23, 2015

Monday, June 22, 2015


Muse, I pray, send my muse deepest rhythms
of your chanting to aid her growing song.
On her mountain crest in flaring crimson
of dawn, where she loves to view river’s long
sequined never-ending flowing to sea,
share with her your scent of pines, moist-slick stones,
all aromas winds can bring – reverie
of imagery. When oceanside alone
yet not alone, guide her gaze, her every
touch of white sand and sea grass, smell of salt
air, call of gull and sandpiper. Vary
her view so each day brings fresh hues. Please halt
all fear from blurring her focus. Bring light –
inspiration’s flame – through both day and night.

Roger Armbrust
June 22, 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Why am I this leaf? Why is this leaf me?
Where in our universe did we unfold
as one? We organs of earth can breathe free
here since we both exist. When Goethe told
us of frail leaves did he imply our soul,
our thin intellect, our relationships?
When I perceive your graceful hands unfold
as eucalyptus in sun and my lips
whisper this, can you sense my wisp of breath,
my heart with your heart like leaves enfolding?
When my thoughts of you entwine, sacred wreath
of prayer, no surprise I dream of holding
your hand. When your sun-cured hair -- curled in braids --
unfolds, no shock I’m no longer afraid.

Roger Armbrust
June 21, 2015

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Of course I cried. You can negotiate
parallel lives in movies. It’s tougher
in real life, even to facilitate
my own. To reach out my hand and touch your
shoulder when you’re not there, yet truly sense
your texture. To take suggestions – to wait –
surrender to that silent voice. Pretense
or fact? I watch you standing on the lake’s
frozen surface reflecting evergreens.
Hear his dad say, “The light. Always the light.”
If you were here I’d ask, “What does that mean
to you?” I watch cloudy dusk turn to night.
Today you smiled at me and gently waved.
I folded my hands – silent Namaste.

Roger Armbrust
June 18, 2015


Firm physical form of you vanishing
yet essence of you always here with me,
within me. Recall of you brandishing
your panda claws, each finger ringed, glory
of your panda toboggan, blank-eyed crown
fantasy contrast to your blue dream eyes
matching near-transparent window curtain --
faint Mondrian pattern symbol of wise
poetic mind you hold so hidden yet
dear. What do you fear, I wonder and know.
I even understand what you forget --
part of dear glory in watching you grow
through this rhythmic discovery of ours,
surrendering to our Muse’s power.

Roger Armbrust
June 18, 2015