Sunday, January 6, 2013


Wally Watts with the watermelon head
always worried whenever it would rain.
“I worry, I fear, yes I even dread
I’ll get wet and wear water on the brain!”
His friend Wanda Wafer would always shake
her head. “Don’t worry, Wally,” she’d whisper
with a smile. “Your noggin won’t swell or break
if you run in rain, or even crisper
sleet. Your melon’s 90 percent water
as we speak!” Then Wally worried, “I dream
how summer swelters in. It grows hotter
and hotter! My melon head turns to steam!”
“No! Hot weather will prove the perfect charm,”
laughed Wanda. “Your dome will form a brainstorm!”

Roger Armbrust
January 6, 2013