Saturday, January 26, 2013


Jane Olivor sings Manchild Lullaby
I almost feel she’s breathing in my ear
and oo la baby I suddenly cry
and why not as Pandora supports tears
by transcending to Whitney’s rendition
of I Will Always Love You while sad sax
spews from deep gut and my stark contrition
turns to longing as dear Jane won’t relax
but glows with my favorite stay the night
say you love me stay the night but Karen
croons it’s going to take some time all right
as Melissa looks through the eyes of love
and I stare at the monitor, descend
to blurt plea please do let this feeling end
but Firefall interrupts just remember
I love you and it will be all ri-ight
it will be all right it will be all right

Roger Armbrust
January 26, 2013