Thursday, January 31, 2013


for Carolyn Clayton

It’s those soft-spoken moments we offer
at lunch I keep close, when we quietly
measure the universe. Words grown softer
even when we speak of children—of my
Catherine and your Tim, Cristen, Clayton—
and those extended stars glowing across
our spectrum. How we laugh when we lay on
impromptu puns and ironies, each cross
made acceptable through balance. You may
stand alone as caregiver, nurturing
legions of both doctors and patients. Stay
my duet partner, will you? Endearing
times after meetings when we thrill small throngs,
some image making us break into song.

Roger Armbrust
January 31, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Psyche nasty with its stinky thinky
wills me wallow in negative un-nice,
wants my eyes glaring with wicked winky
crushing tall buildings, melting glacier ice,
stomping kids’ toys with thick brutal booties,
slamming naked noses with knuckled fists,
cramming neighbors’ clothes with gnawing cooties,
stuffing ex-lovers’ cars with rotting fish.
How can heart crumple this psyche nasty?
How can brain rumple its evil preying,
missile its messy primeval fasty
to vast neverlasty?...Was I saying
preying? Oh, choice voice! Oh, wise tongue dancer!
Right word, wrong spelling! Praying’s the answer!

Roger Armbrust
January 30, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Bright yellow train with conductor, slicken-
haired and needing clip, no bother to cool
kitty looking on since red-crowned chicken
has her back while blue and brown pooches rule
rear cars. No bother train leans a bit off
rail on its blue dresser-drawers mountain.
Does pretty miss with bright yellow hair, soft
blue gingham dress with lacy collar and
cuffs—eyes of heaven and lashes like church
spires—sit waiting for bright yellow train? Does
she listen in silence for cars’ brief lurch
as they pause near her shiny patent shoes,
and kitty mews, chicken clucks, dogs bark, all
greeting pretty miss with happy love calls?

Roger Armbrust
January 29, 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013


Rare creature loving it, may your feet dance
over currents of poets’ thoughts, verses
carrying you beyond fortune and chance
to clear spring where Calliope nurses
both Orpheus and Linus, peers over
her shoulder and smiles at you, recalling
Memory her mother. You discover
Linus never cries, but sings, installing
music into human psyche; teaches
it to his brother who charms all living
things and stones, as you charm me. Your reaches
of wit and truth unveil endless giving.
Did you know that about yourself and your
godliness? Care’s essence in rare creatures?

Roger Armbrust
January 28, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013


My muse, my friend, I love the way you see
civilization in a Tiffany
lamp’s stained leaded glass lighted so gently;
shelves lined with candles, goblets, uncanny
statuettes of porcelain, ceramic;
a potted cactus on a ladder step.
I smile at your eccentric self, comic
lines linking ironies as you accept
your faults and others’. Your classic photos
of the kiddos while playing and at ease.
Most of all, how caring guides your ethos,
actions dedicated to love, not please.
Outside mute sparrows still wander bare trees.
I wish you were here watching them with me.

Roger Armbrust
January 26, 2013