I gotta confess
I’m a little depressed
and surely obsessed
over you
‘cause I made a mess
pushing our progress
causing undue stress
for you
I fear I start to worry
get so in a hurry
jump around and scurry
like a scared little furry
feral cat
caught in a vat
of churning fat
So let me say I’m sorry
I’ll drive you in my car…Eee!
If I can find the car key…
to chow on chicken curry
at Chan’s café
just down the way
Whadda ya say?
I gotta confess
I’m a little depressed
and surely obsessed
over you
‘cause I made a mess…
What’s that?
You gotta confess
how you made the mess?
You think I’m the best?
You feel we’re both…blessed?
Well…Me too!
Roger Armbrust
July 18, 2014