Saturday, August 27, 2016


You need to write a sonnet, the voice says.
I don’t want to write a sonnet, I growl.
Snow falls on far mountain where the monk prays.
I’d rather sit and watch the Cotton Bowl.
The brown leaf falls, blows away like lost love.
Writing makes me sweat. Memory brings pain.
Remember when she left, but dropped her glove?
I wrote about that once. Please…not again…
The river flows like feeling, vast and deep.
C’mon! That’s a hackneyed image. Get lost!
The woods are lovely…promises to keep…
Stop! You’re plagiarizing! That’s Robert Frost!
The nuke blast ignites us to black resin.
No! Not war! I’ve…black resin…Where’s my pen?

Roger Armbrust
August 27, 2016