We’re invading Vietnam
for Democracy
and we’ll win
he said
(Of course he lied)
We’ll send advisors
then we’ll send bombs
then we’ll send troops
Vietnamese died
and lost homes
Americans died
(and the Rich got richer)
We’re invading Afghanistan
for Democracy
and to fight Terror
and we’ll win
he said
(Of course he lied)
We’ll send advisors
when we send bombs
then we’ll send troops
Afghans died
and lost homes
Americans died
(and the Rich got richer)
We’re invading Iraq
for Democracy
and to fight Terror
and quell Weapons of Mass Destruction
and we’ll win
he said
(Of course he lied)
Won’t waste advisors
We’ll send bombs
then we’ll send troops
Iraqis died
and lost homes
Americans died
(and the Rich got richer)
We’re invading Syria
for Democracy
and to fight Terror
and to stop a Civil War
and we’ll win
he says
(Of course he lies)
We’ll send more advisors
We’ll send more bombs
We’ll send more troops
Syrians die
and lose homes
Americans die
(and the Rich get richer)
Roger Armbrust
August 10, 2016