Tuesday, June 23, 2015


I’ve discovered suddenly
I’m the son of Chef Boyardee
who was married secretly
to a cretin female party
once an anchor for Fox News

So it should be clear as urine
to anyone using Murine
(or worse who chews murinae
which tastes like the Çhef’s consumme)
why I sing impromptu blahs and not the blues

The blues cover pain in the gut
but this news proves a pain in my butt
Makes me wanna walk Montana’s buttes
with melted bonbons in my shoes
Yah, it’s impromptu blahs and not the blues

Makes me wanna never marry
merely join the seminary
filled with days where I carry
a chalice and not a chick
spend nights with prayers and not flicks
Yah, that’s impromptu blahs and not the blues

Spend solitude by myself
being rude just to myself
even crude just to myself
sit by a creek eating worms
as my tongue feels them squirm
Yah, that’s impromptu blahs and not the blues

By now you’ll summarize
I got sleepy in my eyes
feelin’ creepy in my thighs
I just woke from a gory nightmare
(but can’t recall exactly where)
Yah, that’s impromptu blahs and not the blues

Roger Emo
June 23, 2015