their mission to assault life – day and night.
But I cannot display a man’s penis
or woman’s vagina -- made to create life –
lest some “holey” adult be offended.
Same problem watching PBS prime time:
“Murder on the Home Front” offers close-ups
of a victim’s severed tongue, yet blurs out
her bare breasts. Tits but not slashed tongue
might offend prudes and kids, I suppose
(a twisted policy for EDUCATIONAL TV,
one place you’d think would respect body parts).
Meanwhile, let’s write s*#t and f@$k
but not shit and fuck, even though
everyone reading s*#t and f@$k
sees it as shit and fuck. I must admit
reading this might piss you off. Spare me.
All these words live in your dictionary.
Besides: I’m talking about honesty.
Roger Armbrust
December 4, 2015