Thursday, April 24, 2008


Wisdom…can either absorb or destroy us,
depending on what we bring to it.
--Harold Bloom

I bring you my body, muscles flexing
to push me toward love, pull me from world’s harm,
lift me to join, lower me to rest. Bring
you my mind and all it absorbs—alarms
of thought, will, reason awake unconscious,
carry me to opinion and desire,
all depending on memory, precious
Greek root word. I bring you my senses—fire
of the physical, scale of attachment
to earth, other bodies, their minds and hearts.
I bring you my spirit, utmost present
creating love, embryos, the great arts
raising our being to life beyond death,
swirled in endless conscious of the Great Breath.

Roger Armbrust
April 24, 2008