In 1606 Shakespeare wrote three plays…
count ‘em … “King Lear”, “Macbeth”, and “Antony
and Cleopatra”. Stages, scholars say,
were forced to shut that year. The Plague, you see.
Like us all today, The Bard weighed choices:
slump restless in his dark room, lost, depressed,
or ask the Muse to guide his writer’s voice
and bring light. He wrote three plays. He was blessed,
and so are we…with his masterpieces
four centuries later. No. I don’t plan
to match his feat, or even try. What pleases
my Muse, I believe, is this: Take my pen,
pray for guidance, love, honest words, and write.
Honor small steps: a few lines every night.
Roger Armbrust
April 3, 2020