Friday, September 18, 2020
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Listening to KLRE and George
Pelecis’s “Nevertheless”…strings high…
performing emergency heart surgery…
marrying intricate piano…just why
they make me cry must deal with memory…
that title central to it all…defined
as “in spite of”… “notwithstanding”… you see
how it melds like memory… the divine
result… in spite of what happened…in spite
of her leaving…notwithstanding heartbreak…
comes forth creative spirit…sacred light
of poetry…to survive…what it takes
to thrive in spite of…utter devastation…
What happened to him…to fire inspiration?
Roger Armbrust
September 13, 2020
Saturday, September 12, 2020
At this moment I stand in sun beside
the oak…no cars passing…no mute people
walking by…the tree and I in sun…ride
slight breeze I pretend is flight…past steeple
and tower…wonder of what power we
possess when we close our eyes…feel slight breeze…
I once thought of leaping off a cliff…free
of fear…of responsibility…ease
of giving up all…but I didn’t…Think
of what I’d have missed…slight breeze…flight…sunlight…
think of how much love’s potential would sink
into nothing...lover’s glance unseen…a slight
to faith and hope…I pray for end to wildfires
out West…pray they transcend to peace…to desire…
Roger Armbrust
September 12, 2020
Thursday, September 10, 2020
The logical mess of love comes always
with consequences…like driving too fast
through a school zone…or a drunk priest who prays
to the devil…egoist’s death mask cast
just before his heart fails…sometimes maybe
the opposite…vulnerable first kiss
leading to lasting care…a simple kind
word preventing a suicide…our bliss
won through honest searching…fear makes us blind
till we’re touched by an angel…our life could be
a molecule for all we know…able
to dissolve or divide without consent…
Once as a boy I bit a bush’s leaf…my
tongue went numb…I never found out why…
Roger Armbrust
September 10, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
I stumble through rubble once called Main Street…
shopping only for some form of water…
no need any more for fashion’s elite
look…for caviar or fast food…fatter
days turned to bone lean…through eternal haze
I sense almost sunset…slight breeze a chill
searing my blistered skin…making me crazed…
never to heal it seems…human road kill
is everywhere still…Corner of 1st Street…
gave Jill a first kiss here…she kissed me back…
she’s gone like the rest…my god she was sweet…
pray for her spirit…all their spirits…black-
outs come quicker…ah…water…poisoned by
radiation…no matter…so am I…
Roger Armbrust
September 9, 2020
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Wonder about Earl Ovington…first air
mail pilot…flying by dead reckoning…
if he hated the term dead…if he cared
about faith and fear…danger beckoning...
always there…Wonder about Charles Lindbergh…
early air mail pilot…had to bale out
twice in storms…how his body felt when surge
of chute caught his fall…did he smile and shout…
or just take it in stride…I’ve baled from some
relationships…been baled out on…never
took them in stride…never easy come…
sometimes stormed…rare times acted clever…
never considered the chute staying closed
so to speak…wonder if the Spirit posed
a question about my fate…and then chose…
Roger Armbrust
September 8, 2020
Monday, September 7, 2020
I’m so used to looking at friends up close
and personal every day now… to see
a full body in motion when my shoes
lead me out to toss the trash or empty
the mailbox…or nab a bag from Bite Squad…
seems like a hologram…medium rather
than human…masked phantom floating…like what
Hamlet confronted that haunting night there
at the castle wall…How everything’s changed…
my once-cropped beard seeming Santa present
in summer…my body cells beg me to chance
a shower again…why do I resent
their concern…I can’t even recall spring…
or yesterday…now my screen’s everything…
Roger Armbrust
September 7, 2020
Sunday, September 6, 2020
It’s where I’d like to take and hold my mind
sometimes…far from here or anywhere
human…where I imagine the wild wind
must go those days or nights it feels despair
and just wants peace…exhausted from constant
whirl and curling…bending and breaking trees
and windows…turning gentle rain to instant
storm…Does it pray, do you think…howling please
end my tortuous wandering…I once
walked Cabot’s downtown…years ago…after
a tornado crushed it to rubble…no sense
to how it left a single building here…
another there…like thin surrendered warriors…
made clear how humans really have no power…
Roger Armbrust
September 6, 2020
Saturday, September 5, 2020
I keep thinking of far-off light, not night
light like I wrote of a while back, but day
and distant like photos of cloud and bright
light breaking through, like ol’ Tom Parr portrays…
sea scenes off Sandy Hook near sunset…scenes
majestic…turbulent…Turner would smile
at seeing them…what they really portend
of our psyches…we humans silent while
threatening to explode…fed up with wars
and political lies…I’m listening
to Mendelssohn’s violin invite stars
and feelings of peace…recall Jews listening
to Mendelssohn before der Führer’s boys
sent them to showers and that hissing noise…
Roger Armbrust
September 5, 2020
Friday, September 4, 2020
Another night alone…and yet I’m not
alone…just sharing this pandemic world
with billions…the White House Fascist without
care for the suffering and dying…curled
up in self-absorption while my loving
caregivers…relentless as angels…try
to save the dying…try to save…shoving
their fears aside to save…go ahead…cry…
get it out…My brief walk tonight…the moon
tried to break through that stonewall sky…almost
made it…maybe tomorrow…maybe soon…
next year maybe…we’ll unmask smiles and boast
of our healthy globe…I hear Ella’s soft rhyme…
“someone to watch over me”…that was a time…
Roger Armbrust
September 4, 2020
Thursday, September 3, 2020
No one wonders where I am. They believe
they know. Visions of me in my townhouse…
meditative…mind straining to conceive
an image…a phrase…a line…getting soused
through frustration…for inspiration…eyes
turning bloody from guzzling and glaring…
but that’s not the path…instead I watch…spy
on all the earth before me…hear blaring
life and sacred silence…breathe in cool air…
taste and retaste the tuna sub…mostly
await the Muse…spirit who chooses her
own sweet time to whisper or sing…ghostly
in the kindest way…subtle in her glance…
smiling when she’s ready…and then we dance…
Roger Armbrust
September 3, 2020
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The long rain’s finally stopped for a while.
It needed to stop. Fertile earth filled up.
We hope it continues to come and go. Smile
so it will. Pray so it will. Raise your cup
so it will. We’re no good without its fall
and rise and fall and rise…we made mostly
of water. Think of your parched tongue…your call
to the sky for water…the drought…your plea
for water…Think of your soaked body…earth’s
flood…your prayer for rain to end…Think of how
powerless we are over water…birth
and death…think of vital balance…think now
of rivers…of ocean, moon and constant flow
of water...think what it knows that we don’t know…
Roger Armbrust
September 2, 2020
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
He loves watching that lone night light across
the far mountain…eyes blind in winter so
black he’d believe that long high range was lost
had he not studied it in daylight. Knows
no one who lives there within that gold-fire
glow. Imagines it’s her…his future bride.
He’ll go find her when he’s grown up and hired
at the lumber camp…walk with her…confide
his love…promise a good home. His mom calls
from the door…urges him back from the wind
so cold it burns…but he can’t hear…mind falls
through ebony air…heart aches…tears descend
then freeze on his raw cheeks…oh…what’s wrong with me
he gasps…drowning in dark…as if lost at sea…
Roger Armbrust
September 1, 2020
Monday, August 31, 2020
Deemed a fake in ’81, dumped like old
shoes into storage, the painting now they
say may be a Rembrandt. Worth stacks of gold
they say. I wonder what Rembrandt would say,
spirit hovering there in ether, view
he never knew as earth artist…no need
for gold now, so precious when alive…Who
judges my art he might murmur…Who bleeds
as I bled to capture curve and shadow
true to each wrinkle, each eyelid…One winter
at a Christmas party years back…I bowed
speaking with a lawyer…So you’re a writer
he said…Yes I said…I’ve always wanted to write
he said…I smiled...droned my verdict: Then you should write.
Roger Armbrust
August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
How many nights must we do this again?
Glare at each other in silence like cats
guarding territory or prey…in pain
growing from silence…those ancient love chats
by firelight extinguished, it seems, by dread.
How did this begin? I can’t recall…can you?
Will you say I started it…sneered and bled
you of love like deer carcass of blood…who
of our old friends could tell us…sit us down…
remind us how we’re worth too much to each
other…like leaves to air…breath to leaves…frown
and shake their heads…guide us like seers to reach
for each other…touch again…Do you recall
that night I met you…eyes revealing our fall…
Roger Armbrust
August 30, 2020
Saturday, August 29, 2020
“You’ve got to learn your instrument. Then, you practice, practice, practice.
And then, when you finally get up there on the bandstand, forget all that and just wail.” – Charlie Parker
Wail. You understand, don’t you. Grief or fear.
Pitched high like an angel discovering
Earth’s fate. Prolonged, like aimless, fiery tear
of falling star, at some point hovering,
then burning out. Like Bird burning, wailing.
His alto sax stabbing you, then healing
you through pain…his clean, somber tone trailing
across your flesh like a woman stealing
your heart and more. His alto sax resting
in light at the Smithsonian while his
melody and memory keep testing
us…listening now to “If I Should Lose
You”…he’s hurrying through…as if feeling
he’s burning out…seeing angels kneeling…
Roger Armbrust
August 29, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
After passionate wind and lashing rain…
after flash flood of present thrashing past
and depths of memory…bare body’s pain
embedded with eyes focused over vast
possibilities…crashing psyche’s dread
of both life and death…of both love and hate…
after both love and hate no longer bled
you of hope or despair…after storm’s great
devastation set you free…what new course
to take then…what to whisper to calm breeze
caressing you…catalyst to seek the source…
the only source…not to threaten or please
you…or please anyone…only to form
phrase of prayer…take chances…till the next storm…
Roger Armbrust
August 28, 2020
Monday, August 24, 2020
That day I thought I saw you on Ninth Street
outside my building, walking toward Broadway,
that sunrise hair like yours, your pace soft-sweet
with thoughtful grace, like when you’d turn and sway,
lying on my futon and laughing, hands
reaching toward me as if offering gifts
to heaven, eyes blue as heaven, command
of your singing voice soft-sweet, lyrics lift
toward me and heaven, then next day’s near lisp
leaving them on my answering machine:
“The way you wear your hat/the way you sip
your tea…the way you changed my life…” I mean…
that was heaven…mystical and bright blue…
but that day on Ninth Street…it wasn’t you…
Roger Armbrust
August 24, 2020
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Do you believe in god? It’s no matter
to me. Only to religions throughout
the ages, it seems. How bright blood’s splattered
on walls and floors, on greens and plains, harsh shouts
thundering through air in some god’s name
since someone didn’t believe or believed
a different story. Brought glory and fame
to many warriors and martyrs. Conceived
legends through stoic statues and stained glass.
Time passes. Statues fall. Glass breaks. We all
die. But before we give up ghosts and pass
on, we believe in something, great or small.
W. C. Fields believed he’d have another
drink. As for me, I don’t believe I’ll bother.
Roger Armbrust
August 23, 2020
for Catherine, my daughter, on her birthday
H.P. Lovecraft would always ask strangers
about their thoughts and dreams. My dear daughter,
I wish you a dreamday, dreams that linger
through life, making them reality. Where
each hour is art, each breath inspiration
fulfilling the psyche and soul’s promise.
Where reflection’s the one hesitation,
connecting life’s eternal dots. Is this
too much to ask? A cause for patient smiles?
Perhaps. But what are our dreams, after all,
if not our living while at rest? Our files
of subconscious wonder. The heart’s brave call
to imagination, to create anew
this dream life belonging to only you.
Your Loving Poet Papa
August 21, 2020
Thursday, August 20, 2020
4:11 A.M.
Eyes opening…waking just long enough
to hear the voice remind you…Breathe…enter
that breath of life through lungs…through organs…through
bloodstream, nerves, bone, flesh, skin…through your center
of being…that gift of life…of faith…grow
our conscious contact through breathing…our breath
pushed out now…exhale all fear of life now…
all care of rejection or harm…or death…
understand each breath as gift…accept past
as our archives of learning…now as our
chance to rest…strengthen our beings to cast
into action when rising…but this hour
to only breathe…breathe in faith…breathe out fear…
breathe in…breathe out…breathe in faith…breathe out fear…
Roger Armbrust
August 20, 2020
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
It’s so easy here as I turn the tap
and fill the clean glass with pristine water,
mind on my work, that I forget that map
of Zimbabwe I studied last week, where
purifying chemicals have vanished
and water table has fallen like a
chuteless skydiver, their children famished,
their relentless covid a miasma,
yet taking backseat to cholera. I
had vowed to pray for them each time I sip,
whisper thank you and oh please help in my
single breath. So selfish, you see, they slip
my mind: both my suffering kind, their pain,
and our invisible giver of rain.
Roger Armbrust
August 18, 2020
Monday, August 17, 2020
It’s never easy to walk in winter
when the hound wind gnaws your bare skin, the air
somehow burns your lungs, your body’s center
shivering like a long-distance runner.
It’s never easy to walk in summer
when breeze even scorches your heavy breath
and humidity slumps you, encumbers
each step, urges you to envision death,
scrawl out your will and call Father Moran,
ask for absolution. Never easy
to walk in spring. Bully allergies can
shove you down, gouging sinuses and eyes,
halt sentences with a sneeze. Nor in fall,
when you feel life wither -- grass, leaves and all.
Roger Armbrust
August 17, 2020
Sunday, August 16, 2020
“I’m a prospector,” she almost whispered,
left eye closed, right eye gazing down the beer
bottle’s amber barrel tilted toward her
like a doctor at her microscope. “Here’s
where the truth lies, down deep, in reflective
foam. Where you have to search for it like gold
in dark streambeds.” I understood. Once lived
in lonely bars like this, like her, grown old
hiding from reality’s light. From love’s
responsibility and hope. “I keep
searching…keep searching…” I picked up her gloves
off the wet floor. Stuffed them in her coat. “Sleep’s
what you need now,” I told her. “I’m prospectus…”
she misspoke, bottle drinking, like Dad taught us.
Roger Armbrust
August 16, 2020
Saturday, August 15, 2020
It’s too late. I’m tired. Won’t write a poem
tonight. Let the keyboard take off early.
Eyelids fight gravity. Body aches, some
deep twinge hemming me in. All this surely
will lead me to bed. Yet now, there below
in the parking lot, easy laughter and
talk of friends walking past. Walking slow
through our humid night.. I stretch as I stand.
Wonder where they work, if weary from their
long week. Or if they’re out of work, just two
of our 30 million. That book cover
from the Sixties now flashes into view:
“We the Lonely People, Searching for Com-
munity”. Title so heartbreaking, you
don’t need to read the text. Listen for some
voice in the night. Listen for talk that’s true.
Roger Armbrust
July 15, 2020
Thursday, August 13, 2020
This is my letter to you whom I love.
Not a plea for your attention or care,
or commitment. Consider it a glove
of ermine softly touching your rich hair,
your smooth face, your tender breast to feel your
heartbeat, quickening like inspiration.
Consider it the Muse’s deep whisper,
her breath powerful as birth’s sensation,
words lifting you to Olympus, beyond
Olympus to the universe. Believe me
when I say I love, when I smile, so fond
of your smile, your laugh a crystal chime, free
as forest breeze. Emily wrote a letter to
the world. But I write this letter to only you.
Roger Armbrust
August 13, 2020
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
It can land in pockets or museums.
It’s not particular. Take a beating
by a smithy or sculptor in a whim,
or at the poker table. Competing
only with copper for loose change. Can play
the field, byproduct of copper, gold, lead,
or zinc refining. Holds title, you might say,
to silver lining. Ages well. That head
of Serapis at the Met, older than
Jesus by centuries. It stays with me
like memory of first love, like Roman
candles in night sky. More than reality.
When folks say it’s precious, I respond, “Of course.
It’s the name that masked cowboy chose for his horse.”
Roger Armbrust
August 12, 2020
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
He emails it each day at 6 am
five-minute homage to writers, poets,
sometimes scientists, folks who gained their fame
fleeting as each generation. Knew it’s
that way since they wrote. Subtle audio
with transcript companion. Each day at 6.
But I listen that night, midnight or so.
Listen with eyes closed, alert, senses fixed
like some ancient hunter’s trap, rusted iron
jaws forced open, ready to snap the right
word or phrase, magic one barely touching
memory, raising love or fear, or light
of understanding. Something soul solid as
bleeding meat, or bird feather, or broken glass.
Something leading me to write the truth…at last…
Roger Armbrust
August 11, 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
It’s watching them all fall that’s heartbreaking,
she said, looking toward flowing blue-grey clouds
but not speaking of clouds. Watch them shaking
like willow trees in blizzards, quaking crowds
of them staggering, mute, too weak to howl
or even whisper, she said. How they fall
like willow trees ripped from earth, their stark jowls
limp with last gasps as they fall. We knew, all
knew it was coming, she said. You knew years
before I, didn’t you. You saw it in
their insane repetitions, your clear tears
blurring your sight as you told me. How sin
brings madness. You said they’d fall. Bent forms tangled
like wingless Icarus. Like defeated angels…
Roger Armbrust
August 10, 2020
Saturday, August 8, 2020
White chalk scrawling across green board then stops.
Long fingernails scraping across green board
then stop. Sweatered shoulders turning to me,
green eyes gazing through me, slender body
leaning back against green board, fingernails
clutching, raising sweater, revealing breasts
white as chalk. Green eyes turning and staring
at longhand four letters covering green
board, inviting heaven. Green eyes turning
back to me. Moist mouth opening…saying…
“Mr. Armbrust, where is Grant’s tomb?” Shaking my
head…brought back…I study green board’s only
words: “Grant’s tomb”. Hear shaking, hoarse voice respond
like a confused train conductor: “New…York…?”
Roger Armbrust
August 8, 2020
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
It’s the quiet like no other, quiet
so still it’s prayer without words, soft air
free of bitching engines, air so shy
it almost makes you want to reach out there
into night, reach through that clustered cloud crowd,
feel for the hidden moon. Air reading your
thoughts, your memories, night air like a shroud
keeping reason safe, keeping water pure
from our world’s endless assaults. When I last
saw you that lost night those long years ago,
that night I didn’t know was lost, that last
lost night so quiet I couldn’t sense you’d go
forever, I lay still in dark, feeling
you still there, believing pain was healing…
Roger Armbrust
August 4, 2020
Monday, August 3, 2020
You don’t walk enough my inside voice wisps
today as I stalk to toss the garbage
then scrape up hill to pay the rent my hips
gnawing my nerves each wince showing my age
my downhill skid to mailboxes near pool
bringing sigh at bill stack no check nor note
of care I stare at bright sky feel a fool
for bowing slave to humidity’s coat
of sweat (only relative I live near)
You should walk when it’s cooler the voice chides
I wonder if I’m feeling faith or fear
as I trip past nodding crepe myrtles hide
behind my mask as a neighbor passes
Back home the cold air fogs my sunglasses
Roger Armbrust
August 3, 2020
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Each morning I lock myself in my room…
writing room, I mean…strange since I live alone
in a townhouse…but I write or use Zoom
to mainly listen to people I’ve known
only from the neck up…pandemic’s
pressure keeping me locked in…a felon
for surviving…my solitude a trick
of the Muse…my computer companion
for life it seems…our mute vow a marriage
of convenience…Sometimes I write poems
in calligraphy…when Cambria’s age
or Times Roman’s face won’t do…often some
intimate words imaging life’s sweet romance…
curling and curving…like two lovers who dance…
Roger Armbrust
August 2, 2020
Saturday, August 1, 2020
I’m listening to Performance Today
playing “Sing Gently”, Eric Whitaker’s
composition sung by virtual choir
of 17,000 voices…universe
of heavenly vibration surrounding us.
Can you hear it where you are? Can you feel
it caressing the skin? Flowing through cells
into heart and all organs, bloodstream
carrying it to brain and spirit throughout
you and beyond you…beyond us all
to the Great Out There…Do you understand now
why only love can save us? How our
voices combine, composed to unite us?
How action, voices singing of love can save us?
Roger Armbrust
August 1, 2020