The light comes and goes so quickly when it's perfect. You know that.
There's a certain time in the morning, certain time around dusk, where the
light is golden. -- Lou Reed (March 2, 1942 – October 27, 2013)
You can demand the studio stay dark
when you record if you want. Yeah, you know
that. Your songs dark: demand they kill the lark.
Jam both bass and regular guitar slow
as a migraine through one amp, murdering
fear, piercing through both ears deep into bone.
That’s golden to you, golden light, stirring
emotion and wonder: ostrich-tune drone
and poetry. Keep walking that wild side,
embracing small packs, leaving them gold light
they won’t see till you’ve left. Your deadpan glides
through purring lyrics, unmasks deepest plights.
You come and go so quickly. So we respect
your golden light…not perfect…but near perfect.
Roger Armbrust
October 28,