Saturday, March 30, 2013


for Janie, Jason, and Jacob Steven Woodrow Hart

Blessed by God, Jacob saw heaven’s ladder,
wrestled an angel, weaved his son Joseph
a coat of many colors. Christ’s Vicar
named Steven the Catholics’ first saint. Gifts
came to Woodrow when he worked hard for them:
became both governor and president.
Jacob means “leg puller,” which could make him
a joker like his dad (though both parents
know the joy of living).  Steven’s from Greek
for “crown,” ancient sign of royal bearing.
Woodrow derives from a meaning more meek:
Brit term for “row of homes in a clearing
near a wood”—two words glued tight as a glove.
The three names in sum: A child deeply loved.

Roger Armbrust
March 28, 2013