Monday, March 12, 2012


I hear your mommy’s been feeling puny.
Oh, I know her sickness can make you sad.
But perk up! Smile and hum her a tuney!
Then watch her face glow like sunlight, so glad
to see you healthy and happy, and hear
your song wishing her well. I’ll bet she may
even laugh out loud, if you dance with cheer
in a turkey trot or graceful ballet.
Spread your arms! Show you can fly like a bird.
Or crawl around on all fours like a pooch.
Then move close and whisper those magic words:
I love you, mom. She may give you a smooch!
Of if she’s too sick to slip you a smack
I’ll bet she can whisper, I love you back!

Roger Armbrust
March 12, 2012