Turtles and taters is what I like.
One you play with, one you bite.
Funny thing is, both have eyes.
Turtles and taters I idolize.
(Turtles come in a shell.
Taters come in a sack.
You can gnaw on a tater
but turtles snap back!)
I’d like to live a myth
in a small happy state
where turtles are played with
and sweet taters are ate.
Where you never grow up
or have to go to school.
Just mash taters in a cup.
Play with turtles in a pool.
(You can make tater soup,
make turtle soup too.
Taters don’t mind so much,
but turtles sure do!)
Someday I’ll be king of a land
with a turtle by my side
and a tater in my hand.
And there we will live
just like a family:
that ole tremendous team:
turtles, taters and me.
Roger Armbrust