Thursday, July 17, 2008


for Carolyn, if she likes it’s conjured thousands of blends
for my name. I like Mortar Burgers, ‘though
Bar Terror Smug suits my past lifestyle’s sins.
Brag Err Tumors, too, sounds like days of old.
Garb Error Must fits my fashion taste, yet
Arbor Germ Ruts denies my care for earth.
Bra Tremors Rug recalls dates with Babette,
while Roars Grub Term describes my day of birth.
Gear Burr Storm reminds of driving in snow.
Star Berg Rumor reeks of gossip columns.
Rat Brr Morgues symbols fear of death, I know.
Why does Bag Errs Rum Rot make me solemn?
Is Rarer Gog Strum a guitarist’s curse?
Arts Burro Germ could cite my bad-ass verse!

Roger Armbrust
July 17, 2008