Monday, September 24, 2007


My IKON has ID'd the Chink website's
hideout right inside Nanjing. Titan Rain's
cyberhacked the Pentagon's once air-tight
classified networks. They've become a pain
now, tapping into our high-tech command
shop at Barksdale. I've hawked the Company's
minisub night mission, gliding as planned
from the East China Sea up the Yangtze.
The target's less than 50 yards away
from the piers. One SRBM should scrap
the whole neighborhood. Just ruin their day.
Waste a few hundred. Ching-chong brass will crap.
I hope they push us. We'll show who's faster,
turning Peijing into melted plaster.

Roger Armbrust
September 24, 2007