Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Solzhenitsyn, slipping away last-minute
from stark trains and buses, steals through Moscow
to Estonia. Those ice-numb months he sits
alone, writing his “Gulag”. Makes it flow.
She comes once a day to bring him hot food,
glancing to make sure she’s not followed. Talks
as he eats. Smiles when he says, “This is good.”
After an hour, she leaves, thinks as she walks
over frozen chalk earth how they could die
if caught. He stops at three volumes, has their
typed versions microfilmed. Wary of spies,
he smuggles his script's frames to Paris where
they wait word to publish. In Moscow, his typist
is found hanged. “Now,” he orders. Awaits the tempest.

Roger Armbrust
February 25, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


How could we know, during those penciled days,
such simple offerings from Dick and Jane—
to look and see, come and go, work and play—
would define our lifelong actions, contain
our essence of experience? To feel
our pulsing rhythms in phrases. Sense our
imaginations unfold through words. Kneel
before printed pages’ singing power.
Teachers knew what we didn’t: “See spot run!”
would lead us to ancient Greeks’ “Know thyself.”
To Descarte’s “I think, therefore I am.” Donne’s
“No man is an island”. Power and pelf’s
folly, Scott’s verse would clarify. And, above
all, Shakespeare’s bottom line: “never doubt I love.”

Roger Armbrust
February 24, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


She called, introduced
herself, spoke of poetry.
And we fell in love.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I wish I could watch it with you. I’m such
a romantic. Knew nothing about it
really. But I do understand how much
a man can love a woman—vast duet
of ocean and earth. How art can reveal
our essence beyond our conscious being.
I don’t hear from you now—how your heart feels
in late-night dark when stark loneliness sings;
when the gut longs for faith’s salving silence.
I figure if my heart feels it, yours must
feel it too; must sense psyche’s resilience
when surrendering savage fear to trust.
Shall I enclose this? Toss it in the sea?
Pray it flows to you so you’ll come to me?

Roger Armbrust
February 17, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015


I’m dying here. No response to love. No
muscle flinch to me passionate verse. No
a chance glance to me adoring eye. No
hint of breathless sigh to me love song. No
but frozen curse of silence it seems. No
romantic stroll along flowing streams. No
dancing a waltz to our inner song. No
balcony scene. No stringing along, no
e’en. No night snuggling on sandy beach. No
hearing mermaids singing each to each. No
pity for shot Cupid, nor me deep pain…
Ahh! A shot of faith! Whoa! We rise again!

Roger Armbrust
February 14, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Your cultural significance creates
a difference today; it will moreso
tomorrow. How your every phrase relates
could catch a lie; how you paint all torsos,
accurately gage an eye’s glare might save
a life. Do you care? To breathe in clear air:
does it matter to you? When humans rave
of equal rights, do you slouch in your chair
or rise and rave, too? As you trot, stall, weave
past each street’s starving bodies, studying
their fading frames, how does your art conceive
earth’s future? Or are you even trying?
As you huddle in bed at night, hearing
those endless screams, what are you whispering?

Roger Armbrust
February 12, 2015


Her once glowing teeth,
chipped, charred like homeless chimneys,
grind down and fall out.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


What can I tell you about self-will? Just
what I’ve experienced: How fear warps my
security, convinces me I must
force fate, react rather than respond. Why
I suffer this dis-ease isn’t the point
really. What is though: Will I surrender
to the Source—this loving, intelligent
energy—essence of the real, tender
me—healing and nurturing my psyche,
banishing terrifying addictions
to lie and self-destruct. We’re told the key
is willingness. I’ve found it’s a gift, one
aligned with honesty, faith, and action:
Steps of action. Caring action. Action.

Roger Armbrust
February 7, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015


Honest, unconditional love and service:
not your usual relationship and care.
Yet, when led by spirit, what the mind deserves;
when melding life’s passion, all the heart can bear.
What comes when you gaze at the moon? Beethoven?
Taylor Swift’s rocket? Flow of night’s ocean tides?
What aroma when you image an oven?
Your favorite pie? Where does your vision glide?
What feelings do you love to share? Athena,
with her owl-like eyes, protected her cities;
in her wisdom, led heroes through arenas.
What do you protect? Tell me: How are you wise?
Feel free to ask me the same. What do you pray
for through silent nights, or on Valentine’s Day?

Roger Armbrust
February 6, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


At dawn I lift my grateful arms toward sun,
welcome universe, chance to try again.
At dusk, I raise my bruised hands toward oceans,
honor sacred water from which we came,
walk or wander our jagged path toward home—
time to speak to earth and all before all.
By night, I raise my light to your light, come
to you with smile and silent nodding, fall
with your fall, flowing through passion’s shadows.
Our faces mirror moonlight, bodies match
ebb and rise of glowing tides. Heaven knows
us now, how we share its realm. Our eyes catch
and nurture supernovas. We laugh, keep
close galaxies of whispers. Then we sleep.

Roger Armbrust
February 4, 2014


Lonely night’s not so lonely when we pray.
Painful void’s not so painful when we pause
and listen, hear our vast night’s power say
we’re loved forever, how each worthy cause
is never lost when we take brave action.
Not martyr brave or warrior brave. Lover
brave: Simple actions. Honest words. Fractions
of seconds when fragile hearts discover
each other surviving sad darkened storm
of lonely night. Discover life’s spirit
in dawn light on water, warming our forms
of flesh and conscious thought. We can fear it
all or surrender to it, or do both,
I suppose. Take what comes and call it growth.

Roger Armbrust
February 4, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


He stands at Broadway
and Bleecker—alone. Shouts, “Let’s
all go home and fuck!”