Tuesday, August 21, 2012


for Catherine, my daughter, on her birthday

Muhammad was 40 when archangel
Gabriel gave him the Quran’s first words,
the Muslims believe. Christian legend tells
how Jesus fasted 40 days, then heard
the devil’s tempting voice, but didn’t bite.
Jewish men must reach 40 to study
Kabbalah: seek eternal and finite
connection. It seems spirit’s history
revisits this sacred number time and
again, like your eternal return to
spirit’s light in your art, love’s sacred hand
sculpting inspired vision of all that’s true
in every being and object your age
and sense reveal…lead you to the next stage.

Roger Armbrust
August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


We who conceal light deep in psyche’s vast
hidden canyons. We who hoard secret fire
with trembling hands denying desire cast
as dancing shadows on walls of empire
ruling erupting hearts. We with inner
eyes glancing exploding stars, exploring
each parallel universe of peace where
conscious minds intermingle, imploring
all yet refusing to stay. We who burn
yearning incense in false prayer, raveled arms
paralyzed to reaching toward ancient urns
boarding prancing candle flames, chancing warm
possibilities for our fingertips,
shaded kisses to our quivering lips.

Roger Armbrust
August 7, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012


for Elizabeth Weber

It’s never black and white. It’s always deep-
ocean blue and scorching gold, landscape like
a breaking wave by night, hoping to keep
memory of sun close through brash matchstrikes
of moon, breaking crest always reaching out
toward light, seething hint of mouth gasping for
air or praying for constant passion, shout-
ing to that rippling fire to flood soul’s core.
You can see it now through morning window,
the way summer sun careens off oak leaf’s
surface straight to and past your eye’s lens, glow
piercing through your psyche to where stark grief
and unbound joy somehow meld into this pure
identity, like an artist’s signature.