Thursday, December 26, 2019


“I made a promise to the moon,” she said.
“I can’t share it with you.” She was watching
the moon as I watched her, then it. It bled
dark gold, like molten metal, stars catching
its fire. I imagined her whisper sworn
to write poetry, like Bishop, or to
chastity, like Virgin Queen, psyche torn
between passion for humans or verse. Who
or what would I choose? I long for each one,
feel them vital.  Surely she must. I held
back from questions, from uttering a word.
I curled my arm around her shoulder. Felt
her body press to mine. I longed to grow old
with her. Above us, a passing cloud burned gold.

Roger Armbrust
December 26, 2019

Monday, December 16, 2019


Guide us in caring for water and air
for earth and each other. Thank you for crops
you raise to feed each life, for weather fair
and foul, showing energy never stops,
but challenges senses to stay in touch
with Great Reality. When we fear life
and death or poverty, struggle to clutch
all matter, show us what matters. Our sight
clouds so quickly. Our minds hide from our hearts.
Only your invisible hand, it seems, will
touch and clear our path, ease our plight. What starts
as thought or feeling moves to action. Still
it all begins and ends with unseen caress
of your spirit guiding us, whispering “Bless…”

Roger Armbrust
December 16, 2019