Wednesday, June 29, 2016


On this calm, distant shore I wait for you,
watch your raw energy escape the storm,
radiate to calmer water, meld your
blue wave train, its columning swell conform
to seabed, to curling wind and sunlight.
I wonder how you balance it all: lift
and fall, your flexing form now in clear sight,
then gone, then orbiting once more (a gift,
surely) only to refract with such grace
I react with a sudden cry. I laugh,
celebrate your luscious contour. All space
seems filled with your spirit’s lithograph.
I shudder, stagger forth, kneel, then recline,
feel your warm current enclose my coastline.

Roger Armbrust
June 29, 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016


I ingest you like
honey. You devour me like
fire igniting flesh.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Most excruciatingly beautiful
you. Most hesitatingly aloof you.
Where are your words these days, those phrases full
of natural imagery? Give us clues
to avenues where you and your Muse flow
in every revery, meditation.
Share sharp insight only poets allow –
deep cutting blade of psyche’s truth. You shun
my eyes. That’s all right, as long as honest
words – tight as tourniquets – always return
to your tongue and page. Rhythms you invest
can impress each mind and heart – blaze and burn
like a brand. Like your blue eyes still consume
space and air when you gaze across the room.

Roger Armbrust
June 23, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Grief never leaves. It only steps aside,
allows love and laughter again to dance.
Watches from the corner our graceful glide,
our stumbling, willingness to take a chance
once more. Memory, it seems, requires grief
to remain yet keep its distance; appear
late at night when we’re alone, perhaps brief,
perhaps droning on, even bringing fear.
The questions: Do we let grief control our
conversation? Allow dark to rule us?
Or do we choose to pray, kneel to power
filling all with natural light? Discuss
the future, accept the past, respect now?
It’s easier said than done. Yes. I know.

Roger Armbrust
June 15, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


I want to die living. I want my heart
to explode while dancing, not just hiding
in damp caves from dark beasts. I want to start
now as the sun rises, mind abiding
in prayer, eyes celebrating each found soul
gliding past – fertile pollen for all that’s
civilized. Let me inspire, not console,
my psyche’s timid wandering, combat
deep fear by laughing at its horrid glare,
calling it outside to join our long run,
forsake its eternal “no”. Who knows where
all new trails lead? Love knows we’ve just begun
our hope’s faithful search for new dimensions.
We leap in by choice – our great decision.

Roger Armbrust
June 8, 2016