Tuesday, July 30, 2013


for my friend Nicole Mayer

Keep your beauty growing like Frost’s poem
splitting far star into spectra of light
among infinities. Keep beauty’s theme
waltzing through your heart within our plain sight
as you laugh at Caden’s clowning faces.
Keep your beauty flowing like Caitlin’s flow
of crayon over paper, her spaces
of color balanced as artist allows
faith and instinct to prosper, your soft smile
and intense eyes tracing her intense eyes.
Keep your beauty enthralling as Keath’s style
of wit, grace and memory enthralls, wise
and exact as Solon. Keep your beauty
nurtured deep inside you, fearless and free.

Roger Armbrust
July 30, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013


I want to share so much with you I don’t
know where to begin. Not knowing where to
begin, I stand and stare, afraid you won’t
understand my frozen state, or just who
I really am. Who I really am now
defines my poetry—when body, soul
and mind assimilate in sacred vow
with our universe—not my stated goal,
of course. I simply strive for accurate
imagery—to find your form in slender
sculptures, your velvet face among Cassatt’s
delicate women, your caress in dear
lyrics from Sinatra’s ballads. Let’s say,
perhaps I fear you’ll smile and walk away.

Roger Armbrust
July 27, 2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Your graceful pale hands control this London
orchestra with focused care as if each
note breathed to forge Debussy’s legend.
Surely those soft hands, their delicate reach
and touch, conceived your three wives’ devotion
those years earlier, intrigued Garbo’s hands
during your affair. Do you sense motion
of Nijinsky’s faun or ardent command
of composer’s notes as your left fingers
seem to glide over ghost violin strings?
Your right hand sweeps through air, pauses, lingers
in point at flautist in solo. Who sings
to the Muse if not you? Your hands propose
life, lift musicians to accept bravos.

Roger Armbrust
July 25, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013


Gets any lonelier here I’ll invite
cockroaches blanketing yard in for feast
of lettuce rot and bread mold. Spent lost night
again watching ghosts hump like storm clouds; beasts
with old lovers’ bodies screaming vile oaths
outside stained windows, cursing my organ’s
penetrating stare. My scarred senses loathe
dark, empty rooms. I whisper sad slogans
to every chained cell of my brief system.
Gets any darker here I’ll fade through night’s
void, sight evil angels…I resist them
with sudden prayer, shudder in frigid fright
of lost possibilities. I lance pain…
click on dim light…hear walls creak…then the rain…

Roger Armbrust
July 22, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013


for Ashley Dixon

That tinge of light pressing against mist cloud’s
fading silk gown until peeled clean of it—
bare now as reason circled by dark doubt,
reflecting our faces’ glance to covet
hope—is our mystic moon: symbol of our
second chance. How clearly we see compared
to past nights groveling in caves, power
of faith lost in their damp, cramped veins. We’ll spare
details of lies and agony. Suffice
to say we’d hide eyes, terrified of stars,
too weak to even envision moon’s wise
revelation. What guides us now through far
journeys of our own psyches without trace
of fear’s jagged scars? Surely call it grace.
Roger Armbrust
July 21, 2013